Beckman Coulter HIAC 9703+ Particle Counter

Cambridge Scientific ID: 29382 Category: Tag: Brands:


HIAC 9703+ Pharmaceutical Particle Counter 

HIAC 9703+ liquid sampler and PharmSpec Software for Parenteral Drug Final Product Testing to USP<787>, <788> & EP2.9.19

PharmSpec Software works with the HIAC 9703+ liquid particle counter system to test parenteral products for sub-visible particle content using light obscuration in accordance with USP<787>, <788> and EP 2.9.19. Flexible calibration at multiple flow rates improves ease of sampling for varying sample viscosities and volumes. Ease of use and data integrity are prioritized in PharmSpec with features such as login credentials controlled by Microsoft Active Directory, multi-level user rights, automated pass/fail compendial reporting, comprehensive audit trail, and auto-flush routines for improved walkaway operation. In addition to the built-in compendial test routines, user-defined SOPs can be programmed into the counter using PharSpec Software’s Procedure builder. 

The product is new,out of box.


  • Industry Standards: CE
  • Particle Size Analysis Range: 1.2 – 600 µm
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Temperature Range: Operating temp range: 5°C to 40°C
  • Light Source: Long Life laser diode with 10 year mean-time-to-failure 
  • Concentration Range: 0 to 18000 particles/mL
  • Software: PharmSpec

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