Waters Acquity FLR Detector UPLC Fluorescence Detector

Cambridge Scientific ID: 27073 Category: Tag:


The ACQUITY UPLC FLR Detector delivers sensitivity and selectivity to fluorescence-based applications. It extends the benefits of UPLC technology for the analysis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), drugs of abuse, and vitamins – any component with chemiluminescent properties, such as fluorescence or phosphorescence. Transfer your HPLC fluorescence methods to UPLC for greater throughput without compromising sensitivity.


  • Effective integration algorithms, sampling rates up to 80 Hz, and independent optimization of filtering constants facilitate accurate and reproducible integration
  • Flexible 2D and 3D scanning capabilities for the quick determination of wavelength maxima
  • Intuitive software interface and diagnostic tools instill confidence that the detector is performing optimally
  • Low volume (<2uL), axially illuminated flow cell design allows for better light absorption, resulting in enhanced sensitivity
  • Advanced optical design to maximize light throughput, and reduce light scatter, allowing for better signal-to-noise performance
  • High-speed data rates (up to 80Hz) and independent optimization of filter time constants allowing full characterization of narrow, sharp peaks typical of UPLC separations
  • Multiple detection modes – 2D, 3D, and on-the-fly spectral scanning – can greatly reduce the time needed to develop fluorescence detection methods by quickly determining wavelength maxima
  • Intuitive system console provides simple navigation to manage instrument parameters for easy system control

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Thank you for your interest in the Waters Acquity FLR Detector UPLC Fluorescence Detector (SKU:27073) To speak with a representative, please fill out the contact form below or call us directly.

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