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Showing 1–12 of 280 results
Product Type Select a product type -140 Chest Freezer -20 Freezer -25 Freezer -30 Freezer -40 Freezer -80 chest freezer -80 Freezer 3D Laser Scanning Microscope Advanced Fluorescence Cell Analyzer Air Filtration System Alpha Blocks Analytical Balance Analytical Electronic Balance Analyzers Anti Vibration Marble Balance Table Antivibration Table Aspirator Auto Lamination System Autoclaves Automated Cell Counter Automated Electrophoresis Automated Microplate Stacker Automated Microscope Automated Sample Storage Automated Stainer Automated Thawing System Automatic Feeder Autosampler Axiophot Microscope Bead Bath Benchtop Autoclave Benchtop Centrifuge Benchtop Environmental Shaker Benchtop Lyophilizers Benchtop Pipette System Benchtop Platform Shaker Benchtop Refrigerated Centrifuge Benchtop Refrigerated/ Heated Centrifuge Benchtop Ultra Centrifuge Benchtop Vacuum Concentrator Bioanalyzer Biodecontamination System Biological Microscope Biologics Analysis System Bioreactor Biosafety Cabinet Biosafety Cabinets Camera Casework Cassette Labeler CCD Microscope Monochrome Camera Cell Analyzer Cell Counter Cell Dispenser Cell Disruptor Cell Imaging System Cell Processing System Cell Viability Analyzer Centrifuge Centrifuges Chemistry Analyzer Chest Freezer Chiller Chromatography Chromatography Refrigerator Circulating Water Bath Clean Air Enclosure Clean Benches CO2 CO2 Incubator CO2 Water Jacketed Incubator Column Selector Compact Balance Compact Centrifuge Complete Culture Control Incubator Compound Fluorescent Microscope Compound Microscope Compound Trinocular Fluorescence Concentrator Confocal Imaging Reader Confocal Microscope Confocal System Console Freeze Dryer Console Lyophilizer with Stoppering Console Stoppering Freeze Dryer Controller Convection Incubator Cooling Incubator Cryo Storage Tank Cryogenic Cytocentrifuge Cytometer Dehumidifier Desiccator Dewar Diaphram Pump Digital Microscope DNA Analyzer Double Door Refrigerator Droplet Digital PCR Drosophila Refrigerated Incubator Dry Bath Incubator Dry Block Heater Dry Blot System Dry Heat Sterilizer Dual Convection Incubator Ductless Fume Hood Electronic Contact Thermometer Electronic Pipette Electronic Pipette Stand Electrophoresis Power Supply Electrophoresis System Electroporation System Embedding Center Environmental Chamber Evaporator Filtration System Flammable Cabinet Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinet Flammable Material Storage Refrigerator Floor Incubator Shaker Floor Low Speed Centrifuge Floor Super Speed Centrifuge Floor Ultra Speed Centrifuge Flow Cytometer Fluorescence Cell Analyzer Fluorescence Reader Forensic Microscope FPLC Autosampler FPLC Fraction Collector FPLC System Freeze Dryer Freeze Dryer w/ Stoppering FT-NIR Spectrophotometer Fume Hood Fumehood base Gas Chromatography GC/MS Gel Documentation System Gel Electrophoresis Gel Imaging System Gene Synthesizer General Purpose Dual Chamber General Purpose Incubator General Purpose Water Bath Glass Door Lab Refrigerator Glassware Dryer Glassware Washer Glove Box Gravity Convection Incubator Gravity Oven Heat Block Heat Sealer Heated / General Purpose Waterbath Heated Circulator Heated Microplate Mixer Heated Water Bath Heated/ Circulating Waterbath Heated/ Refrigerated Circulator Heating Block Hematology Analyzer High Capacity Centrifuge High Content Scanning System High End Research/Fluorescence Microscope High Intensity Illuminator High Speed Barcode Reader High Throughput Extraction System Homogenizer Hot Plate Hot Plate/Stirring Hot Plate HPLC Absorbance Detector HPLC Autosampler HPLC Autosampler Chiller / Thermostat HPLC Binary Pump HPLC Capillary Pump HPLC Column Compartment HPLC Degasser HPLC Detector HPLC Diode Array Detector HPLC Evaporative Light Scattering Detector HPLC Flex Cube HPLC Fluorescence Detector HPLC Fraction Collector HPLC Isocratic Pump HPLC Multi-Wavelength Detector HPLC Multicolumn Thermostat HPLC Multisampler HPLC Nano Pump HPLC Preparative Autosampler HPLC Preparative Pump HPLC Pump HPLC Quaternary Pump HPLC Rack Changer HPLC Refractive Index Detector HPLC System HPLC UV/VIS Detector HPLC Variable Wavelength Detector HPLC Well Plate Autosampler Humidity Chamber Hybex Microsample Incubator Hybridization Oven Hybridization System Hydrogen Generator Ice Flaker ICP-MS Imager Immersion Circulator Immunochemistry Analyzer Incubated Shaker Incubator Incubator Shaker Infared Imaging System Infrared Microsterilizer Integrated SpeedVac System Inverted Fluorescence Microscope INVERTED MICROSCOPE Inverted Phase Contrast Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope Inverted Research Phase Contrast Microscope Lab Bench Organizer Lab Freezer Lab Refrigerator Lab Stool Laboratory Information System Laminar Flow Laminar Flow Hood Large Capacity Stirrer LC/MS System LC/MS/MS Q Trap System LC/MS/MS System Liquid Handler Liquid Nitrogen Dewar Live Tissue Microtome Low Temperature Incubator Low-Pressure Chromatography System Magnetic Stirrer Maldi TOF MS System Maxi Rotator Mixer Shaker Mechanical Convection Incubator Mechanical Convection Oven Mechanical Forced Air Incubator Mechanical Forced Air Oven Metabolite Analyzer Micro Balance Micro Bead Sterilizer MicroArray Scanner Microbiological Incubator Microcentrifuge Microplate Absorbance Reader Microplate Bucket Microplate Carrier Microplate Centrifuge Microplate Fluorescence Readers Microplate Reader Microplate Shaker Microplate Spectrophotometer Microplate UV/VIS Reader Microplate Washer Microscope Boomstand Microscope Camera Microscope Fiber Optic Light Source Microscope Fluorescence Light Source Microscope LED Fluorescence Light Source Microscope Metal Halide Fluorescence Light Source Microscope Monochrome Camera Microscope Slide Inkjet Printer Microscope Table Microscopy Platform Microtome Microtome Cryostat Mill Grinder Mini Centrifuge Mini Stirrer Mini Vortexer Mixer Mixers, Stirrers & Shakers Moisture Analyzer Multi-Tube Vortexer Multilabel Counter Multilabel Microplate Reader Multimode Microplate Reader MultiTherm Shaker Nano Particle Assembler Natural Convection Incubator Natural Convection Oven NIR Spectrometer Nitrogen Generator Nucleic Acid Automated Purification System Nucleic Acid Extractor Open Air Shaker Orbital Shaker Osmometer Oven Overhead Stirrer Paramount Filtered Closure Particle Analyzer Particle Counter Pass Thru PCR / Thermal Cycler PCR Cabinet PCR Chamber PCR Enclosure PCR Plate Sealer PCR Rotor PCR Workstation Peristaltic Pump pH Meter Piezo Electric Dispenser Pilot Freeze Dryer Pipette PlateFuge Microplate Centrifuge Platform Rocker Platform Shaker Portable Balance Portable Low Temperature Freezer Power Supply Precision Balance Precision Large Pan Balance Printer Protector Laboratory Hood Protector Workstation Protein Analysis System Protein Purification System Pump Control Module Pumps Quiet Cover Rapid Translation System Reach In Reach In CO2 Incubator Reach In Incubator Real Time PCR System Real-Time PCR Real-Time qPCR System Reciprocal Shaking Bath Recirculating Chiller Recirculating Heated Waterbath Rectangular bucket Refrigerated Centrifuge Refrigerated Circulating Waterbath Refrigerated Incubator Refrigerated Incubator Shaker Refrigerated Microcentrifuge Refrigerated Vapor Trap Refrigerator Refrigerator/Freezer Combo Refrigerators RNA/DNA Extraction Robotic Liquid Handler Rocker Rocking Platform Roll-In Incubator Rotary Microtome Rotary Mixer Rotator Rotor Rotovap Round Tissue Flotation Bath Safety Storage Cabinet Shaker Shaking Incubator Shaking Waterbath Slide Loader Slide Marking System Slide Scanner Solid Double Door Lab Refrigerator Sonicator Spectrophotometer UV/Vis Reader SpeedVac Concentrator SPR Analyzer Spray Dryer Spray Particle Size Analyzer Stand Alone Autoclave Stereo Microscope Stereo/Dissecting Microscope Sterile Welder Sterilizer Surface CCI Analyzers Surface Plasmon Resonance Instrument Syringe Pump Temperature Chamber Temperature Controller Thermal Analyzer Thermal Rocker Thermomixer Tissue Dissociator Tissue Homogenizer Tissue Processor Titer Plate Shaker Top Loading Balance Top-Loading Autoclave Transfer Pump Transfer Station Transilluminator Tube Rocker Ultrasonic Cleaner Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath Ultraviolet Chamber Undercounter -80 Undercounter Explosion Proof Freezer Undercounter Freezer Undercounter Incubator Undercounter Refrigerator Universal Centrifuge Universal Vacuum System UPLC Autosampler Loader UPLC Binary Solvent Manager UPLC Column Heater UPLC Column Manager UPLC PDA Detector UPLC Quaternary Solvent Manager UPLC Sample Manager UPLC System UPLC TUV Detector Vacuum Mixer Vacuum Oven Vacuum Pump Variable Mode Imager System Vertical Autoclave Vertical Mixer Vibratome Vortexer Washer Water Bath Water Purification Web Handling System X-Ray Irradiation
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