- Number of solvents: Up to four: in any combination of two: Al or A2 and Bl or B2
- Solvent storage: Solvents Tray accommodates up to four chromatographic solvents, two Sample Manager wash solvents and one Binary Solvent Manager seal wash solvent
- Solvent conditioning: Vacuum degassing (Six-channel): one channel per solvent, and two channels for Sample Manager wash solvents
- Operating flow rate range: 010 to 2.000 mL/min, in 0.001 mL increments
- Compressibility compensation: Automatic and continuous
- Effective system delay volume: <120 ulL, independent of system backpressure (with standard 50-ilL mixer installed)
- Plunger seal wash: Integral, active, programmable
- Gradient profiles: Eleven gradient curves [including linear, step (2), concave (4), and convex (4)]
- Wet prime: Automatic
- Maximum operating pressure: 15,000 psi up to 1 mL/min, 9,000 psi up to 2 mL/min per pump, not more than 15,000 psi total
- Composition accuracy:
- ±0.5% absolute (full scale) from 5 to 95% of flow rates
- from 0.5 to 2.0 mLlmin (Contact Waters for conditions used)
- Composition precision: 0.15% RSO or ±0.04 min SO, whichever is greater, based on retention time
- Flow precision: 0.075% RSO or ±0.02 min SO, six replicates, based on retention time or volumetric measures (0.500 to 2.000 ml/min)
- Flow accuracy: ± 1.0% at 0.5 mL/min with degassed methanol, per Waters AQT/SystemsQT protocol
- Primary wetted materials: 316 stainless steel, UHMWPE, sapphire, ruby, FEP, PTFE, ETFE, diamond-like coating, PEEK and PEEK alloys, titanium alloys
- Unattended operation: Leak sensors, full diagnostic data captured through console software